mocha is a JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser.

  1. describe, it, before and done
  2. before vs beforeEach
  3. after vs afterEach

Version for this test. "mocha": "5.1.1" "node": "9.2.1"

Inside a describe, before will execute **once** before **all tests** inside this describe including nested tests. Inside a describe, beforeEach will execute **once** before **every test** inside this describe including nested tests. In other words, if there are **N** tests in total (including nested tests), beforeEach will execute **N** times in total.
// before vs beforeEach
describe("Describe(1)", () => {
  let i = 0;
  let j = 0;
  before(() => {
    console.log("outer before(1) executed once in Describe(1)");
  beforeEach(() => {
    console.log(i + ",outer beforeEach(1) executed in Describe(1)");
  it("outer test1", () => {
    console.log("outer test1 in Describe(1)");
  it("outer test2", () => {
    console.log("outer test2 in Describe(2)");
  describe("Describe(2)", function () {
    before(() => {
      console.log("inner before(2) executed in Describe(2)");
    beforeEach(() => {
      console.log(j + ",inner beforeEach(2) executed in Describe(2)");
    it("inner test1", () => {
      console.log("inner test1");
    it("inner test2", () => {
      console.log("inner test2");
  it("outer test3", () => {
    console.log("outer test3");
The output is
outer before(1) executed once in Describe(1)
0,outer beforeEach(1) executed in Describe(1)
outer test1 in Describe(1)
     outer test1
1,outer beforeEach(1) executed in Describe(1)
outer test2 in Describe(2)
     outer test2
2,outer beforeEach(1) executed in Describe(1)
outer test3
     outer test3
inner before(2) executed in Describe(2)
3,outer beforeEach(1) executed in Describe(1)
0,inner beforeEach(2) executed in Describe(2)
inner test1
       inner test1
4,outer beforeEach(1) executed in Describe(1)
1,inner beforeEach(2) executed in Describe(2)
inner test2
       inner test2

  9 passing (11ms)
The outer before(1) executed once. The outer beforeEach(1) executed 5 times, since there are 5 tests(`inner test1`, `inner test2`, `outer test1`, `outer test2`, `outer test3`) in total within the beforeEach(1). The inner beforeEach(2) executed twice, since there are 2 tests(`inner test1`, `inner test2`) within the beforeEach(2).

Hope this blog could help you understand the before, beforeEach, after, afterEach, itmocha test.

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